(White nationalists protested the city’s decision to remove confederate Robert E. Lee’s statue. Counter protesters came. Racial taunting, shoving, and then bloodshed ensued. Governor declared a state of emergency and national guard came out. A white nationalist driving a car purposefully plowed into a crowd of counterdemonstrators and killed a 32 year old woman and injured 19 others. At least 34 people were injured during the protest. The Church commented…)
Official Church Statement:
“It is with great sadness and deep concern that we view the violence, conflict and tragedy of recent days in Charlottesville, Virginia. People of any faith, or of no faith at all, should be troubled by the increase of intolerance in both words and actions that we see everywhere.
…Our prayers are with those who are suffering because of this intolerance and hatred. We pray for peace and for understanding. Above all, we pray that we may treat one another with greater kindness, compassion and goodness.”
See also: “Church Issues Statements on Situation in Charlottesville, Virginia.” Church Newsroom, 15 August 2017. Click here