Racism – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
“Racism: A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."
Racism – Encyclopedia Britannica
“Racism: The term is also applied to political, economic, or legal institutions and systems that engage in or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race or otherwise reinforce racial inequalities in wealth and income, education, health care, civil rights, and other areas.”
“Healing the Wounds of Racism” – Examples of Racism
“Consider how the following examples could represent racism. How would the Lord have you change your heart if you recognize that you: -Prefer associating only with those of your own race and think others should too. -Make jokes or disparaging remarks relating to someone’s race or a racial group. -Believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ supports any racist thinking or behavior. -Justify racist attitudes or behaviors because of similar attitudes or behaviors shown by other good people, including Church leaders or members.”
Savior Complex
Savior Complex: An erroneous belief that minority communities need outsiders to be central in rescuing them. Assisting minorities based on perceived needs vs. what they express they need, or looking for emotional validation for oneself instead of being solely motivated by justice, mercy, and healing as the good Samaritan was when he bound up wounds and paid for lodging without centering those good deeds on himself.
“White Privilege”
The set of social and economic advantages that white people have by virtue of their race in a culture characterized by racial inequality.” Example of White priviledge given by Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “… by discussing the reality of white privilege, we're not negating or invalidating other hardships that may come with each individual's circumstances. Rather, we intend to shed light on the reality that white people are granted rights (whether they're subtle or obvious), immunities, and opportunities by their skin color, regardless of whether they asked for that privilege or not.” — Mehak Anwar
“Cognitive Dissonance”:
"Psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.”
The False Doctrine of Prosperity Theology
Prosperity Theology: "(sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith) is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth."
“Healing the Wounds of Racism” – Examples to Learn From
Examples of racism in bold lettering: "As we endeavor to heal the wounds of racism, here are four steps each of us needs to take so that we can all move forward together in our efforts to reach our divine potential. 1. Acknowledge the Problem:The first step toward healing is the realization that the problem exists. We cannot fix that which we overlook or deny. Our attitudes toward others of a different race or of a different culture should not be considered a minor matter. Viewing them as such only affirms a willingness to stay unchanged .2. Recognize It in Ourselves:Some people acknowledge the problem but may not recognize it in themselves. Sometimes racism is so subtle, we may not realize we’re expressing it. How are we to judge when our thoughts and comments might be out…
“Love Your Enemies” – Racism Thrives on Silence
“In public actions and in our personal attitudes, we have had racism and related grievances. In a persuasive personal essay, the Reverend Theresa A. Dear of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has reminded us that “racism thrives on hatred, oppression, collusion, passivity, indifference and silence.” As citizens and as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we must do better to help root out racism.”