Who We are and Why Mosaic?

We are an inclusive group of women of all races and cultural backgrounds. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and believe that the artwork in our meetinghouses needs to reflect our worldwide membership. Everyone needs to see themselves represented, especially in places of worship. Currently artwork at church is limited in diversity and does not represent our global membership.

Additionally, Christ historically had brown skin and that is the depiction we believe needs to be shared on our walls, in our manuals, on our bulletin boards, in our lessons and be the standard amongst all of us.

We want to use this space to highlight BIPOC artists as well as to provide ideas of small, simple, and inexpensive ways that we can work together to represent our global membership.

Welcome to the Mosaic!

A meetinghouse mosaic is what we want to see when we come together, a variety of differences assembled together, piece by piece, to collectively create something beautiful! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is full of diversity! As a worldwide church, there are so many cultures, languages, races, and personalities and every person, every voice, is needed. Our goal for this account is to highlight and lift up those who have been overlooked, left out, or misrepresented. We know that by using art that is multiculturally diverse in our lessons, on our bulletin boards, as handouts in class, or to those to whom we minister, we will be fostering an atmosphere of acceptance, empathy, and love. Our hope is that Latter-Day art will finally represent the beautiful diversity of the worldwide church!

We invite all who visit this site to please read the history of how Christ came to be represented as white in artwork and why it’s important to have Him represented correctly.


Here are some actions you can take now to help make church feel more welcoming to all of our sisters & brothers in Christ:

Use Inclusive Media in Lessons & Handouts

The more we can flood our circles of influence with images of Christ portrayed correctly with dark skin and ethnic features, the more it will be accepted and we will see Him as He really is. We can also include diverse images of people at church to normalize members of different ethnicities leading and participating. Click HERE for a list of suggested media content on the church website.

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands by Gifty-Annan-Mensah

Encourage the Church to Provide More Inclusive Options

There are some newer approved pieces available and more on the way. You can encourage your local leaders to add more diverse pieces to your meetinghouse. Learn more HERE.

As a Loving Parent by Esther Hi'ilani Candari

Support BIPOC LDS Artists Who Are Creating Inclusive Religious Artwork

Please see THIS PAGE for a list of diverse art from BIPOC LDS artists to use in your home. 

The Good Shepherd by Melissa Tshikamba