Call for Entry: Diverse depictions of Jesus, with an emphasis on cultural expression and/or historical accuracy. Jurors will not accept white depictions of Christ for this show. The goal of this show is to broaden the vision of how Christ, the Savior of the world, can be depicted and spotlight the religious artworks of people of color.
Jurors: Rose Datoc Dall, Melissa Tshikamba Boggs, and Esther Hi’ilani Candari
Mediums: Pieces must be new (created no earlier than 2020), original pieces of art. Mediums that will be accepted are painting, printmaking, drawing, mixed media work, photography, digital illustration, or small sculptures, installations, and assemblages. Installation and assemblage pieces will be considered on a case by case basis. Contact Esther at with questions. Performance art, large sculpture, new media, and audio or video pieces will not be accepted due to exhibit objectives and space constraints. Two dimensional work should preferably be a maximum of 36 inches wide. Pieces larger than 36” will be considered on a case by case basis due to space constraints. Sculptures can be no more than 18 inches wide or deep and 20 inches tall.
Work, and images used to create work, must be free of any copyright infringement and must be created by or properly licensed by the artist.
Images created using stills from film productions such as The Bible videos or The Chosen series, even if licensed, will not be accepted.
Compensation: All work that is shown must be for sale. The commission rate for the gallery, Writ & Vision, is a sliding scale of 35/65 for pieces $200 and below 40/60 for pieces $201-$2999 and 50/50 for pieces $3000 and above. International entries welcome. Scholarships or financial aid up to $300 per artist will be available for international shipping to and from the show. A need based scholarship of $100 dollars for domestic shipping is also available. Selection of work is at the discretion of the jury and Writ and Vision Gallery. We reserve the right to reject any pieces submitted for this show.
Pieces shown elsewhere: We would like to encourage artists to make new work, or submit previously unexhibited work for this show. If a piece has been shown previously please note the dates and location on the form.
If you are wanting to depict a historically accurate Jesus Christ:
(Ideas gathered from this article: What Did Jesus Look Like)
Tips for taking professional pictures of art (click here)
Tips for framing work (click here)
Image Files must be titled “Lastname_Title.jpg”, for example “Sanchez_TheLamb.jpg”
Artists must submit entry information and hi-res images of each work using the submission button below.
Artists may submit a maximum of 3 original works.
Call for submissions open:
International: November 2022 – July 5th, 2023
US: November 2022 – September 1st, 2023
Artists will be notified: no later than September 30th, 2023 if pieces have been accepted
Accepted pieces must be received by gallery: January 5th, 2024
Artwork received after this date will not be included in the show.
Artwork must be ready to hang including d-rings and wire. Gallery staff will contact artists directly to make arrangements for 3-D work.
Gallery show: Feb 2nd, 2024 – Feb 27th, 2024
Artist round tables and other educational events hosted at the gallery in conjunction with the exhibit will be announced as they are scheduled.
Please note: gmail is required for submission.
For questions about the purpose and mission of this exhibit contact:
For questions about delivery, display, installation, sales, and pick up of work, contact:
Writ and Vision
274 W Center Street
Provo, UT 84601
Donation link coming very soon. Thanks for your patience!
Convocatoria de participación: Diversas representaciones de Jesús, con énfasis en la expresión cultural y/o la precisión histórica. Los jurados no aceptarán representaciones blancas de Cristo para este espectáculo. El objetivo de este espectáculo es ampliar la visión de cómo se puede representar a Cristo, el Salvador del mundo, y destacar las obras de arte religiosas de las personas de color.
Jurados: Rose Datoc Dall, Melissa Tshikamba Boggs y Esther Hi'ilani Candari
Medios: Las piezas deben ser nuevas (creadas no antes de 2020), piezas de arte originales. Los medios que se aceptarán son la pintura, el grabado, el dibujo, la técnica mixta, la fotografía, la ilustración digital o las pequeñas esculturas, instalaciones y ensamblajes. Las piezas de instalación y montaje se considerarán caso por caso. Póngase en contacto con Esther en si tiene preguntas. No se aceptarán obras de arte escénicas, esculturas grandes, nuevos medios y piezas de audio o video debido a los objetivos de la exhibición y las limitaciones de espacio. El trabajo bidimensional debe tener preferiblemente un máximo de 36 pulgadas de ancho. Las piezas de más de 36” se considerarán caso por caso debido a limitaciones de espacio. Las esculturas no pueden tener más de 18 pulgadas de ancho o profundidad y 20 pulgadas de alto.
El trabajo y las imágenes utilizadas para crear el trabajo deben estar libres de cualquier infracción de derechos de autor y deben ser creados por el artista o debidamente autorizados por él.
No se aceptarán imágenes creadas con imágenes fijas de producciones cinematográficas como los videos de La Biblia o la serie The Chosen, incluso si tienen licencia.
Compensación: Todo el trabajo que se muestra debe estar a la venta. La tasa de comisión para la galería, Writ & Vision, es una escala móvil de 35/65 para piezas de $200 y menos, 40/60 para piezas de $201-$2999 y 50/50 para piezas de $3000 y más. Entradas internacionales bienvenidas. Becas o ayuda financiera de hasta $300 por artista estarán disponibles para envíos internacionales hacia y desde el espectáculo. También está disponible una beca basada en la necesidad de $ 100 dólares para envíos nacionales. La selección del trabajo queda a discreción del jurado y de Writ and Vision Gallery. Nos reservamos el derecho de rechazar cualquier pieza enviada para este espectáculo.
Premios: Los premios incluyen un premio en efectivo, un premio de exposición individual de Writ and Vision y un premio de residencia de artista de Writ and Vision. Otros premios se anunciarán a medida que se confirmen.
Piezas mostradas en otros lugares: Nos gustaría animar a los artistas a hacer nuevos trabajos o enviar trabajos no expuestos anteriormente para esta muestra. Si una pieza se ha mostrado anteriormente, anote las fechas y la ubicación en el formulario.
Si estás representando a alguien de una cultura diferente a la tuya:
Haz tu mejor esfuerzo para no incluir estereotipos o sesgos implícitos en tu arte.
Escuche a los grupos por los que está abogando.
Interactúe y aprenda de esas comunidades que desea agregar a su arte.
La educación es clave: ¡haga su investigación!
¡Google es el mejor amigo de todos! Es una excelente manera de aprender de la cultura/comunidad que desea retratar.
Esfuércese por comprender cómo una raza/cultura ha sido marginada y qué puede hacer para valorar esta raza/cultura.
Pide disculpas cuando te equivoques, escucha para aprender.
Todo el mundo se equivoca en algún momento. Si te llaman o te llaman, tómalo como una oportunidad para aprender, crecer y mejorar.
Busque formas de retribuir a las culturas/comunidades que sufren o sufren.
Con demasiada frecuencia, sentimos que podemos aprovecharnos de las comunidades marginadas. Debemos hacer todo lo posible para apoyar, levantar y servir tanto como podamos.
Se trata de algo más que añadir diferentes colores de piel.
No es suficiente simplemente agregar diferentes tonos de piel y llamarlo bueno. Estudie respetuosamente las características faciales, la ropa y los peinados, los artefactos, etc. de la cultura (¡trate de aprender directamente de la cultura/comunidad!)
Si desea representar a un Jesucristo históricamente exacto:
(Ideas extraídas de este artículo: ¿Cómo era Jesús?)
Los antropólogos forenses y los programadores informáticos crearon una imagen basada en un cráneo israelí que data del siglo I d. C. Los académicos consideran que las representaciones más precisas tienen piel más oscura, ojos oscuros, cabello más corto y rizado y una estatura de aproximadamente cinco pies.
Joan Taylor (¿Cómo era Jesús?) “Usó restos arqueológicos, textos históricos y arte funerario del antiguo Egipto para concluir que, como la mayoría de las personas en Judea y Egipto en esa época, lo más probable es que Jesús tuviera ojos marrones, cabello de castaño oscuro a negro y piel marrón oliva. Es posible que haya parado alrededor de 5 pies y 5 pulgadas. (166 cm) de altura, la altura promedio de un hombre en ese momento”.
No hay evidencia de que las personas en ese momento tuvieran ojos azules y cabello rubio.
En los años 1500-1600, en gran parte debido al antisemitismo, los artistas comenzaron a eliminar las características judías de María y Cristo y les dieron más características europeas y anglosajonas. Ese tipo de representaciones han continuado en gran medida hasta ahora. Al pintar una imagen históricamente precisa de Cristo, no es suficiente pintar las facciones de un hombre del norte de Europa y simplemente ponerle un color de piel más oscuro.
Tips for taking professional pictures of art (click here)
Tips for framing work (click here)
Image Files must be titled “Lastname_Title.jpg”, for example “Sanchez_TheLamb.jpg”
Artists must submit entry information and hi-res images of each work using the submission button below.
Artists may submit a maximum of 3 original works.
Call for submissions open:
International: November 2022 – July 5th, 2023
US: November 2022 – September 1st, 2023
Artists will be notified: no later than September 30th, 2023 if pieces have been accepted
Accepted pieces must be received by gallery: January 5th, 2024
Artwork received after this date will not be included in the show.
Artwork must be ready to hang including d-rings and wire. Gallery staff will contact artists directly to make arrangements for 3-D work.
Gallery show: Feb 2nd, 2024 – Feb 27th, 2024
Artist round tables and other educational events hosted at the gallery in conjunction with the exhibit will be announced as they are scheduled.
Tenga en cuenta: se requiere Gmail para el envío.
For questions about the purpose and mission of this exhibit contact:
For questions about delivery, display, installation, sales, and pick up of work, contact:
Writ and Vision
274 W Center Street
Provo, UT 84601
Donation link coming very soon. Thanks for your patience!
Call for Entry: Diverse depictions of Jesus, with an emphasis on cultural expression and/or historical accuracy. Jurors will not accept white depictions of Christ for this show. The goal of this show is to broaden the vision of how Christ, the Savior of the world, can be depicted and spotlight the religious artworks of people of color.
Jurors: Rose Datoc Dall, Melissa Tshikamba Boggs, and Esther Hi’ilani Candari
Mediums: Pieces must be new (created no earlier than 2020), original pieces of art. Mediums that will be accepted are painting, printmaking, drawing, mixed media work, photography, digital illustration, or small sculptures, installations, and assemblages. Installation and assemblage pieces will be considered on a case by case basis. Contact Esther at with questions. Performance art, large sculpture, new media, and audio or video pieces will not be accepted due to exhibit objectives and space constraints. Two dimensional work should preferably be a maximum of 36 inches wide. Pieces larger than 36” will be considered on a case by case basis due to space constraints. Sculptures can be no more than 18 inches wide or deep and 20 inches tall.
Work, and images used to create work, must be free of any copyright infringement and must be created by or properly licensed by the artist.
Images created using stills from film productions such as The Bible videos or The Chosen series, even if licensed, will not be accepted.
Compensation: All work that is shown must be for sale. The commission rate for the gallery, Writ & Vision, is a sliding scale of 35/65 for pieces $200 and below 40/60 for pieces $201-$2999 and 50/50 for pieces $3000 and above. International entries welcome. Scholarships or financial aid up to $300 per artist will be available for international shipping to and from the show. A need based scholarship of $100 dollars for domestic shipping is also available. Selection of work is at the discretion of the jury and Writ and Vision Gallery. We reserve the right to reject any pieces submitted for this show.
Prizes: Prizes include a cash prize, a Solo show award by Writ and Vision, and artist residency award by Writ and Vision. Other prizes will be announced as they are confirmed.
Pieces shown elsewhere: We would like to encourage artists to make new work, or submit previously unexhibited work for this show. If a piece has been shown previously please note the dates and location on the form.
If you are wanting to depict a historically accurate Jesus Christ:
(Ideas gathered from this article: What Did Jesus Look Like)
Tips for taking professional pictures of art (click here)
Tips for framing work (click here)
Image Files must be titled “Lastname_Title.jpg”, for example “Sanchez_TheLamb.jpg”
Artists must submit entry information and hi-res images of each work using the submission button below.
Artists may submit a maximum of 3 original works.
Call for submissions open:
International: November 2022 – July 5th, 2023
US: November 2022 – September 1st, 2023
Artists will be notified: no later than September 30th, 2023 if pieces have been accepted
Accepted pieces must be received by gallery: January 5th, 2024
Artwork received after this date will not be included in the show.
Artwork must be ready to hang including d-rings and wire. Gallery staff will contact artists directly to make arrangements for 3-D work.
Gallery show: Feb 2nd, 2024 – Feb 27th, 2024
Artist round tables and other educational events hosted at the gallery in conjunction with the exhibit will be announced as they are scheduled.
Please note: gmail is required for submission.
For questions about the purpose and mission of this exhibit contact:
For questions about delivery, display, installation, sales, and pick up of work, contact:
Writ and Vision
274 W Center Street
Provo, UT 84601
Donation link coming very soon. Thanks for your patience!