We hope you will use these links and pictures to help bring more diversity to your units.
Sweeter Than All Sweetness by Miguel Angel Gonzalez Romer
If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear by Clark Kelley Price
Two Thousand Young Warriors
Nephi in a Garden Tower by Jerry Thompson
Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall by Arnold Friberg
One Day, One Night, and One Day by Jorge Cocco
Boy Reads Book of Mormon
I am the Light of the World by James Fuller
The Friend, “Respecting Others” September 2017 click here
Learn how the Friend magazine can help your family understand a different sensitive topic each month.
Book of Mormon Cutouts
by Simini Blocker
These are a few suggestions. There are more and we will add more as we find them. If you find something that’s not on this page, please send us a message at the bottom of this page.
The Friend, “Respecting Others” September 2017
Great Children’s activities that teach anti-racism
Children’s Bible Videos – In their own words, kids explain some of the profound teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ.
I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ – Primary children from around the world sing.
I Feel My Savior’s Love
Primary children from around the world individually share how each feels the Savior’s love in many languages.
Jesus is real: Calyann’s Experience with the Book of Mormon while learning of Jesus Christ, Calyann felt His love, which is available to all who seek it.
Light Your Community – “Light the World”
“Nombre” – What should we name him? A young couple converse in Spanish about the importance of a name for their newborn son.
We are Strong Together – Youth discuss the importance of ministering to each other.